I'm writing this from Ryan's very very loud computer. There are three guys in his bedroom right now, and one of them is touching the other. In fact, the owner of the tie dyed bed just almost fell on my brother. Ryan did not just land him in opposite directions. It's really hard to type on this keyboard because it's so weird... Jerrod was very scared of the nighttime. And the baby dog. Puppy. It was a small dog. He says it might have been a grown small dog. It was "ferocious" with "big" teeth. Hah. hah. And the guy walking him was HUGE! Joseph has a "thing" for Ryan. "Heeeey. ;)" Ryan has two beds, two TVs, and three flags. Jack the Environmentalist says "heeeeeey. ;)" He even did it in real life.
And "The Princess Bride" was really good.
p.s. I have seen the ending the last two times.
Friday, October 31, 2008
And the Guy Walking Him was HUGE!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A Promise
Frankly, of all the days of the week that I was to post on, today is the worst. I should have seen this coming, but then again, I've been frantic for the past few days. It's all because of Halloween.
So here's my promise- in exchange for this being so short, I promise that next week's post will be a super long post about tomorrow's events, complete with pictures.
- Jonathan
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So I’m going to share something with all of you. Something pretty embarrassing, and the only explanation of why I’m sharing this with you is that I can’t think of anything else to write. A few days ago, strictly for fun, I began talking in a British accent. It started out small; I’d drop in a few “quite’s” here and there and substitute a “bloody hell” instead of a good, old-fashioned, American “fuck.” And I’d only do it for a few minuets at a time.
But as time went on I began to use Brit speak more and more until I got to the point were I couldn’t stop it. It had taken on a life of its own. I had to start making a conscious decision to use my “natural” voice, sometimes even getting back into the groove by chanting “American” in a deep, husky, redneck voice.
And yet it keeps coming back. I don’t really know what to do. Now when I’m in a high stress situation it pops right up, as if I’ve forgotten to cover up the accent I’ve never actually had. How are you supposed to explain to someone that you’re accent has no real origin or region of belonging, but is in fact just a synthetic product entirely based on stereotypes?
I’ve never even been to England (the fake accent shows it), and the most exposure I’ve had to the dialect is through Coupling and Monty Python. For anyone who’s seen the Friends episode where Ross teaches a new class with an entirely fabricated English accent, you realize this is a hard habit to break, a habit that can only lead to trouble. And apparently trouble is right where I’m headed.
And again, sorry about the lateness, hopefully this is the last time I’ll have to move and reset up an internet connection.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Epicness of my Random Life
Hey hey bloggers, this is Blair substituting for the awesome Lacey.
So this is only something that could happen to me. I'm serious.
I was pulling out of this shopping center, and I was sitting at the stop sign waiting for the cars. I guess its on a SLIGHT hill but I didn't notice. All the sudden, something hits me and I'm just like who the heck is dumb enough to hit me?? I look behind me. There is a SHOPPING CART behind me. I mean, are you serious? I got hit by a SHOPPING CART? It scratched my beautiful car like a bazillion times. They're tiny scratches but still....it sucks. When I left the intersection, it started rolling into the street. Hopefully it didn't hurt anyone....
I got the most awesome pumpkin ever for Chemistry today. It was huge, everyone was totally jealous :) But I had to carry it like a half mile (hopefully an exaggeration, I don't really know the real distance) across the parking lot from my car to Mrs. Ewart's room. My arms were cramping so bad because of this stupid freezing weather. I had to stop like 6 times to bend my arms so they wouldn't fall off. The rest of the day my left arms was shaking slightly and it hurt to bend my wrists because they were still thawing. T'was horrible!
I got the High School Musical 3 soundtrack. Yes, I'm that lame. It's fairly good.
Report cards suck.
I had the most horrible week last week......thank god that's over!
Thanks Lacey for letting me post for you. Stay tuned tomorrow for Viv. Or if she doesn't have internet still, then whoever's blogging for her.
~Blair :D
Monday, October 27, 2008
A Surprise
I get these weekly emails about upcoming events in Tallahassee. I've seen an event on there for a while that I kinda passed over because I figured it'd be too expensive...The Plain White T's concert.
Now I'm not an incredibly big fan of the Plain White T's. I enjoy their music, but they're not one of my top artists. I went to the site though and found out the tickets were only about $17 dollars. I thought that was cool, but you know nothing amazing. Then I saw the other bands playing...Death Cab for Cutie, The Killers, and Weezer. Dude.
My only problem is the concert is on a Wednesday....a prime homework day.
Whatever...I'll forget homework for once...an early birthday present to myself.
Does anyone want to join me on November 5? (see link in title)
Edit: I went to the Floyd's music store site and was disappointed to find that my information was wrong. That will happen on sites where anybody can just input information. Anyway the concert will have the Plain White T's, The Cab, and Go Radio. I'm not sure it I want to go anymore, but I'll check out the other to bands and see if their any good. Sorry if I got your hopes up for an amazing concert that won't happen. (link now to Floyd's page)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Lesson on Judgement
Hello there! Blue powerblogger here!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
AP Classes: Side effects include...
Hey guys and I totally forgot about my post. Yay me >.<
AP classes have really taken their toll on me. I've been neglecting my tennis training for a while and when I came back to it, I lost everything. I mean EVERYTHING. I was totally whiffing the ball, my shots were like net magnets, they weren't going in, and I was totally sucking. My reaction also slowed down to an all time low. I used to be able to react to people's shots automatically and now I have to force myself to run. It was like I didn't even know what tennis was anymore (goes in the corner and sulks for a minute). Looks like I have some major heavy training to do.
One interesting attribute I gained however was a faster and deadlier trigger finger. Some of you may know that I love playing an arcade game called Time Crisis and it is the best handgun shooting arcade game evur. Before AP classes, I could barely get through level one and nearly all my health would be gone. Now, I can mow all the bad guys down as if I were shooting a machine gun and get through the entire level without getting hit once. Also, I played Halo 3 single player today and I was thinking as I played," Man, I probably set the difficulty on normal. Eh, I'll change it after I beat level 3." It turned out that I played through 3 levels on legendary. I'm slightly worried about this because maybe my hate for AP classes developed so much that I gained a trigger finger for very bad purposes.... Nah that will never happen.
I have improved on my sleeping time table throughout the past few weeks. Instead of sleeping at 3 am, I now sleep at 12 am to 1 am. I think that's an extremely big improvement on my part so now I get 6-7 hours of sleep. I can cope with that ^_^ I'm getting more sleep in bed and getting less sleep during class time. Yay for me. Well that's all I have for this very rushed post. So join us tomorrow (which is in like 6 minutes) for another spectacular post from Caroline!
Random Question: I know this has already been asked but if a deaf person goes to court, why is it called a hearing? Are they ignorant, do they hate the deaf person that much, or are they just making fun of the deaf person? Your opinions?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Uh well-a well-a well-a huh.
![]() | Grease - Summer Nights | ![]() |
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![]() | Found at skreemr.com | ![]() |
So yesterday, I decided to listen to Grease songs. Happy stuff.
As for school, it is going very... quickly! I think.
Today, for the first Friday so far, I forgot to go to the IRC for Spanish when we were supposed to, which caused a lot of extra walking in desolate weather.
Ryan showed me this picture from The Onion, and I thought it was pretty cool.
Obama Purchases Ad Space On Side Of McCain’s Bus

Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
AP Biology: It's Killer
Perhaps you were witty enough to have noticed the ironic title. Perhaps you snorted back a laugh. Perhaps you didn't notice until just now. Perhaps I should stop saying "perhaps."
Regardless, let me delve straight into the heart of the matter; I am currently writing this post when I should be studying my butt off for AP Biology (which explains the shortness of the post). I have upwards of 90 vocabulary terms related to genetics to memorize by 4th period tomorrow or suffer yet another sub-par grade. It's becoming borderline ridiculous; AP Biology is a serious AP class, furthermore, it should be taught as such and given a proper class length of 2 hours (as it is in college). Our labs take 30 minutes to set up, usually, and then we have dozens of measurements to make which lead us well into lunch before we can take apart the lab and clean up. Our tests take inordinate amounts of time too- given even just 30 more minutes, I would have a chance to thoroughly check my answers and perhaps get better grades.
The homework is a monstrosity in its own rights. Though we are generally given ample amount of heads up on the due dates, the load itself is obscene and it is very difficult to pull ahead and do assignments in advance while doing the homework for other classes. What a nightmare.
What did I sign myself up for?
- Jonathan
PS- I still don't regret not taking AP Chem though; at least I'll pass my exam!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Live through this and you won't look back
Hey guys!
Once again, Viv is without internet, so this is Shuyao filling in for her, again.
So, Viv's going to Washington D.C. tomorrow! What a lucky duck. She should have taken me with her. The weather up there must be really nice! In fact, the current Tallahassee weather isn't that bad... but it could be better. I can't wait until it gets even colder.
I really do love this weather. There's something about the cold that is just so completely nostalgic. It makes me quite exuberant, but at the same time, I feel that there is just something missing.
So what is it you reminisce during these long cold days (and nights?)
I will leave you guys with this song.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
So I feel incredibly lame today. I purchased an SAT video game. Yes. . . It has come to this. It's actually fairly okay.
I found a new TV show that I love. Arrested Development. Michael Cera is in it. That's what originally drew me in, but the characters and hilarious situations make this one of my new favorite shows. Subtle irony and understated humor. Both things I love.
I have also been watching Heroes, but I just do not understand that show yet I suppose. I feel like it's just kind of over my head.
I got all As pretty much for the last nine weeks so high five me. I have to do a stupid newspaper activity tonight for my history class. Yeesh. I just want to sleep for a coupla days.
We're reading the Scarlet Letter in Lang which I actually really like. I wish all the school books were as interesting as this one. Sure it has it's dull moments but it usually picks up. I can't wait till the end.
Today someone helped me out more than they know. This is just a little thank you. I love you for helping me when theres nothing in it for you and not giving up on me when I was frustrated.
Monday, October 20, 2008
I'll probably start proof-reading my posts. I apologize for the mistakes I make. I'm just lazy.
When I was a kid, my mom told me that the bath water had bugs in it, so we shouldn't drink it. I'm not sure why we would drink it to begin with, but fact that bugs were in the water definitely dissuade us from trying. There weren't any bugs. I was tricked.
Sapphire and Candace had Amanda and me convinced that they could change traffic lights for a while. They would tell us when it was about to change. It took me a long time to figure out the look at the light perpendicular to ours in the intersection, and wait a couple of seconds after it changed.
My mom says I'm gullible. I don't really think it's gullibility if I just believe people I trust and wouldn't think they'd lie to me.
Do I have a point? I'm not sure. Did I mention I went home sick? Now I'm on meds and just woke up from sleeping for about seven hours.
My brain isn't functioning.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hello World! Blue powerblogger here! So this week, I already had my entire blog written out about pastafarians and the right to peacefully assemble, but I feel like that issue is unimportant compared to what I am really feeling.
First Thing That Pops Up In My Head
Hey peeps. Green power blogger here with no idea what to write. So as the title says, I decided on the first topic that came to my head and what came to mind were two interesting dreams that I had (and can actually remember). So here are two dreams that were really weird yet fun.
Dream 1:
I'm walking through a very large, seven-story super market and apparently I'm meeting someone for a deal of some sort. I'm also a very famous hit man/smuggler for some reason. So I go to some guy in the frozen meat section and ask for the goods. He looks around to make sure nobody sees and hands me a package of meat with the goods hidden inside. And so I go down to the first floor and somehow this policewoman knows I have something illegal in the wrapping paper. So we bust out our guns and go slow-mo matrix style on each other. It was actually quite an enjoyable experience to dodge bullets. It felt realistic too because it really felt like I was jumping 30 feet in the air while catching and dodging bullets. In the end I win by catching one of her bullets and throwing it back at her at like a ballistic missile. So then I walk out leisurely (as if police never have backup) and then suddenly I see something to my left. I look over, a car hits me, then I die. How lame is that? And then I wake up to find that my head bumped into the wall while I was sleeping... I guess that was the car.
Dream 2:
A bunch of my friends in Korea were in this dream. We were going underwater for an expedition of some kind. I have to tell you guys, there is no way I will ever forget this dream. It was amazing. I never knew my subconsciousness could come up with such a detailed deep sea experience with so many fish, a reef, sharks up close, and the ability to breathe underwater with my friends. After enjoying the scenery, we decide to go down deeper. One of my friends point to a large trench and we have to dive down there. So we go down deeper and it's getting pretty dark. A submarine pulls up behind us and my friends and I suddenly know that the people in the sub are after us. All of us swim faster than the sub and we somehow manage to get the sub to crash into the cliff. However, the people in the sub can also breathe underwater (Note: If they could breathe underwater and the sub was slower than us, what was the point of chasing us with it? My brain really doesn't make any sense...). We decide on a momentary truce and dive deeper. At this point, I can only see what's two feet ahead of me. It is so dark but my friends keep telling me that they could see fine. After swimming for a few minutes, I can see again. It's still low light but I can see a lot better. One problem though: everyone is gone. I look around and then I look below me. Again, I can't believe my subconsciousness came up with this. A huge beast is right below me. I mean it is humongous. It looked sort of like the Lock Ness monster and for size reference, think of a large whale (like the one in Finding Nemo). After you have that in your head, think of something 20 times (literally) the size of that whale right beneath you. Apparently I woke it up and so it starts moving and it's head (size of a two story house) is looking right at me. The head is so close that I could almost touch it. And then...
I wake up.
Sometimes I wish the dream was longer so I could see what was going to happen to me but I think that was enough adventure for one dream.
That all I have for you guys. So join us tomorrow for another (insert amazing adjective here) post from Caroline!
(Too lazy to check for errors. Need to finish homework...)
Two random questions: If there was a probable 60% chance of rain, what is the real chance of rain if there is a probable chance?
Do you like these random questions?
Friday, October 17, 2008
I know what I'm going to write about!
Every week at some random point, that is how I feel.
This is great.
But then, by the time it gets to writing in this rectangular box, I think: Kejing, that's just lame.
Okay, so changing my plans entirely, yet again. Still lame, though.
Lately, there have been things on my window. Living things. Yesterday, this huge yellow insect decided to land the upper center square. Then, this lizard came, and it was kind of disturbing because they kind of disturb me when they stay on my window and I mean, they're kind of distracting. And then, there is the assortment of spiders. Actually, at some point during the afternoon, there was a strong-looking sort of vertical spider web thing hanging down, and I could have sworn it was moving. So, I looked down. I couldn't see what was at the end. But today, it's not there anymore, so maybe I will forget about it.
Another thing that has come across my mind is the fact that every dream I remember includes the same person. There are always other people in them too, but I think it is kind of queer that the same person keeps popping up into my dreams. My dreams usually have different varieties of people, but nooo, regardless of the other people, you are still in them! I don't know how I should feel about this.
The heat capacity of a calorimeter is measured in kJ/K. Ridiculous.
These three day weekends are basically the best things that ever happened to me this school year.
This morning, I played the piano for the first time in months, not counting the short spasms of my brother's pieces when I helped him. It was really fun, and I think I have been typing too much lately, because my fingers felt very much in shape, but my wrists and arms didn't feel that phenomenal.
Dude, another lizard. They need to go away.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Apple Of My Eye
You should know by now that I'm am borderline obsessive about all things Macintosh- alright, let's just drop the pretense- I am obsessed! This past Tuesday was something of no less importance to me than a religious holiday- Apple updated it's two premier laptops with that oh-so-sexy stylish appeal that only Apple can pull off.
Above are perhaps the most innovative and high tech pieces of equipment California has had the pleasure of bestowing the rest of the world with. The refreshed MacBook comes only in a 13" flavor, as does the MacBook Pro at 15". The exciting thing is that you can still buy the selected older iterations of these computing beasts for cheaper ($999 and $2799). The "new-ness" includes the rad new casing (MacBook), a superior graphics card, and a gorgeous glass display (much like those on the current iMacs).
Simply put: I am geeking out beyond belief and I can't wait to see what Apple pumps out next.
- Jonathan
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I could not be more relieved about the three day weekend. I honestly don't have that much time to write tonight since I forgot about my calc homework and left it all till today (after forgetting all about my physics homework and embarking on a nerveracking mission with Bri to finish it). I'm honestly pretty spent, but I've still got a bit to do. And I'm realizing that with each successive post I seem to be slipping farther and farther behind.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i'll have the random combo with a little bitterness on the side
If you go to a restaurant. And you order a milkshake from waitress number 1. And someone next to you orders a milkshake from waitress number 2. And it just so happens that the other persons shake has whipped cream on top and yours doesn't. Who is at fault? Your waitress for not adding the extra luxury. Or you for not asking for it.
I might end up with all A's. It all comes down to the calc test I took today. I feel like I did pretty well. Fingers crossed.
I found out I'm allergic to the shampoo I started using last week. SO I have an awesome itchy red rash all over my head and face. Awesome.
I guess it's kinda like a blue moon but less fun.
PSAT tomorrow. . . .
I'm feeling pretty badly about myself today. Actually. . . for a little while. We'll see what happens.
Two people I really care about let me down this weekend, but one was amazingly there for me. Thank you.
Quote of the day- "Does he even have a cow?" Lang teacher
My dad has taken to tattling about me to my mother. If only he understood that even though she may be the one who is punishing me I blame him and he will get all the passive aggressiveness, which I seem to have an overabundance of this week.
I'm mad that you took that from me. I wanted it. It wasn't your place. (AND now I'm done with that.)
Happy Birthday Winston!
Blair your concert was great!
Monday, October 13, 2008
I noticed Ryan put his top fifty played songs on itunes on his blog (link in title). Even though I couldn't read most of it, I thought that was pretty awesome. I've been trying to download lots of new music to prepare me for when I get my Zune next month. So if you have any suggestions let me know (only clean stuff please).
So yeah. What to talk about?
This weekend I read a collection of Dr. Seuss books, Six by Seuss. We've had it ever since I was kid. I remember reading it over and over again. My favorite as a kid was And to Think I Saw it on Mulberry Street. It was the first book that was published. Did you know that? (...Carpenter) I liked it because I felt it was humorous. Re-reading it brought back some great memories.
The one I did not like, however, as a kid was The Lorax. That was always Candace's favorite. She used to read it aloud. When she didn't have the book she would recite parts she had memorized. I HATED it. But this time around I find I really like that story.
I assume everyone knows the story but here's a quick recap. Basically a "once-ler" comes and starts cutting down trees in this forest. The Lorax ( a creature who "speaks for the trees") asks him to stop and the once-ler sends him away. The once-ler creates this factory and begins taking away from the forest. Soon all the animals have to leave. When the last tree is cut down the Lorax finally goes, leaving only a stump that says UNLESS.
The once-ler has been telling this tale to a little boy. He tells the boy that he has never understood what the stump meant. But now he knew. "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."I've thought about this. Unless. I believe that every generation is the one who believes they'll change the world. Well, they haven't seen us in action yet. It's our chance to make a change. We'll do it, guys. We'll save the world. :)
PS Hello to our friends in India!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Ode to the Weekend
It's Sunday night, so much to do
Saturday, October 11, 2008
An Insight of My Thoughts 2
Weeks have been flying by like birds and I've noticed a lot of interesting things. The first thing I noticed was that our blog posts were getting shorter and shorter and they seemed to have less and less thought with less and less punctuality. Looks like school has been taking its toll. But in that same school is where all the interesting subjects lie.
Before school even starts I see many things that catch my attention. Like those couples kissing in the open, not giving even a single glance at what's happening outside of their self-made dream world. I pity them. Such love, such passion, yet imminent to fail in the end. It makes me wonder what love really is as defined by the ever changing society today. Who knows? Maybe it's all about the "fireworks" they claim to feel or the ever rigorous sex life or maybe they just want to have someone near them just for the sake of having a secure warmth of a person or even just wanting a trophy of some sort. Whatever society says to do, I choose no. I'll go with the definition I choose to follow. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
"Today is a test day," was what I thought as I passed the couple. My heart was racing but I told myself to calm down. A nervous mind tends to give me mistakes. I walk in, put my bag down, put my book down and put my head down. I drift and see the necessary equations float across my consciousness. Then I look up and look around. I feel so many emotions pressing down on me: fear, cockiness, hopelessness, confidence, but over everything else, anticipation. A few days later, we get our scores and there is a balance of joy and anger. I choose to look at the angry. The angry are so lost. I see it as a person surrounded by a ring of fire, the fire fed by a figure that is so obscure that you cannot even make out the shadow. Such an intense flame is emitted that sometimes when a person tries to get near they only get burned. I see anger as a useless emotion put in a glass case marked "EMERGENCY" in the back room. It takes away all rational thinking, it emits a dark atmosphere, it is disapproved by many and it is, again, so useless. Whatever happens, it will always be in the glass case in backroom for me and I hope I never have to use it.
As the day is done, I crawl into the bed and review the wonderful day that has been given to me. Whether a dramatic situation fell on a friend or a horrible grade was received, I still view it as wonderful. Every second that ticks by counts down the day I die and thankfully it wasn't today. And so I look to tomorrow as a gift because there is no real guarantee you or I will make it there. Living life to the fullest is what I was told to do yet I stray so far from it. Maybe I'll appreciate it more as I keep living and existing for the people and friends I come in contact with everyday. Maybe I'll impact someone's life, maybe I'll be able to look back at my scattered memories and laugh, maybe I'll be surrounded by my family in the end, who knows? Life is but a vapor in the wind... As I close my eyes, I just say," Thank you."
Friday, October 10, 2008
If there ever was a test that left me with tears pushing to come out before I noticed them and Sonal pointed them out... it was this one. I didn't cry, but I still felt... incompetent? Near death? In an awful math test daze?
Throughout the day, people complained as usual, but William seemed not to have a care in the world, and Jack said it was raped him, but it was still do-able. I was and am very happy for William.
So of course, sitting down and feeling my heart beating when it really shouldn't because calmness would be beneficial, I got my page. Along came another one.
Work, work, work.
dy/dx equals yadayadayada.
It wasn't that bad.
The questions were straightforward and didn't really require genius thinking.
I was nervous, and messed up but corrected some silly mistakes as I went along the second ninth problems.
Later into the test, there was plenty of time to finish everything up.
I hoped I could do it.
That hope was shot down at the last problem. A problem that people could actually do. Yeah, well, I couldn't.
I had enough time to glance over my work, but there was no work over which to glance for the last tenth of the test.
Later, the friend- the best by far throughout my freshman year- talked to two of her teachers. We tried to console her somehow, and the afternoon basically dropped to an even lower point of emotion. It is no fun to see such a good friend in despair.
Joseph and I had a happy, sunny chat that summarily resulted in acknowledgment of our failures, and how ridiculously smart some of our best friends are.
What a glorious day...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Uncharted Waters
So as you may or may not know, I've been getting more and more involved with the drama department. It seems that my interest started after Pack Attack and my role as Napoleon Bonaparte.
Frankly, I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into. I hate performance. Well, that's a lie; I can rattle on about superb PowerPoints for hours if given the chance (I'm sort of a demi-god at PowerPoints, I'll show you sometime). However, I still hate performing infront of large crowds- I just as nervous as you might be.
So why am I doing this to myself? Why am I pushing myself to accept two roles instead of one? Why am I throwing myself to the wolves (no pun intended)?
~ because I'm sick of the same old people and the same old thing.
Is that wrong of me?
- Jonathan
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Under Construction
I went into my house today, and even though I knew there’d be construction going on in the house, I was shocked. It looked so different, changed. A house in construction, not the home I’d lived in for fifteen years.
The water only came up a foot in the house, but about three feet off the bottom of the wall was ripped out and I could see through my dining room into my kitchen, which was kind of cool in a way. It’s odd to see something you consider to be so stable in flux. But I’m happy I’ll be able to move back in soon at least and I can stop waking up at 6:30 to get to my 8:50 class.
I know this shouldn’t really bother me this much, and most of you probably don’t watch Heroes, but I’m kind of upset about what happens to Peter. I mean, he was always the refreshingly optimistic one who. I just really hope one day he’ll be same (yes, I do realize this is ridiculous and that he's a fictional character, thank you very much).
Yeah, this song is pretty irrelavant to the post, but I felt like putting it up anyway.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
to the best cat ever
I am writing my post on Sunday, October 5, 2008 even though I post on Tuesdays.
Today, when I got home my parents told me that they had some bad news. But what they told me was completely unexpected. Someone came to our front door today after hitting my cat, Pepper, with his car.
I've pretty much been crying since I found out.
What I am feeling is a mixture of sadness and anger. I am so desperately lost because he was the best cat ever. I talked to him all the time and we hung out and we used to watch movies together, but not anything scary because he would get afraid. He would run from the end of the driveway up to the front porch with me when I was getting back from running around the neighborhood. He had a piece missing from his ear and his eye was always a little funny looking because he would get in a lot of fights defending our property. He pretty much always lost though because he wasn't a fighter, he was the sweetest cat ever. I am broken now that hes gone. Don't know if that makes sense but thats how it feels.
I am also so mad. The guy who hit my cat was looking at houses while driving and probably speeding. My parents think it's just great that he came to the front door because so few people would these days but I still think hes horrible because he killed Pepper.
I also didn't get to say goodbye. I can't believe I didn't get to say goodbye. Almost everyone who has been at our house recently had a time in the last day or so where they just sat down and talked to Pepper. He was my cat. I wanted to have that more than anyone else. I hate it even more because of it because it wasn't his time and it's not even like he was sick so people could say that at least hes not suffering now. So no you can't make me feel better. It's not fair. He's my cat. He's my pet. He's the best friend anyone could ask for. I feel like yelling because I can't stand thinking about the fact that I will NEVER get to say goodbye.
He got killed running across the road. It makes me want to quit running, but then how could I run away from this feeling.
So Pepper,
I'm so sorry for not being a better owner. And I'm so sorry that I didn't get to say goodbye. You are the best cat ever and no other cat will ever take your place. Ross wants me to tell you that you were the best cat ever. I don't have the words, but you mean so much to me. You deserve to be in cat heaven if there is one like in that book I read when I was a kid. I'd give anything to have you back. I love you so much.
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Harry Potter Analysis
Over the past three weeks or so I've been re-reading the Harry Potter series. It's the only time I've ever read all the books consecutively, so it was quite an interesting experience. Most of you probably know my stance on Harry Potter, which is I was really annoyed with it by the fifth book. I'm not just talking about the books either; I mean the books, the movies, the merchandise, and the readers. Now that the Harry Potter fandom has died down (not disappeared just greatly lessened), I find it much easier to enjoy the books. Here is my view on a couple of things in the books. I guess I should put a spoiler alert for those who haven't read the books and still planning on it...which I'm pretty sure is no one. Ok here we go.
Books 1-4: Spectacular, I find very little faults in these books.
Harry and Cho: Ok, this relationship was a mess, but I feel like they didn't really give it much of a chance. Cho was being ridiculous throughout the book, with her crying. I mean sure her boyfriend died the year prior, but she shouldn't have gone out with Harry if that was going to be brought up constantly. Harry, on the other hand, was being an absolute jerk in book five and I can see why Cho was upset with him constantly. I think if the relationship took place in perhaps book six, it would have gone much smoother.
Harry and Ginny: I guess it's alright. I still think that's really weird.
Hermione and Ron: I know they were setting up for these two to get together all along, but I can help but feel like they don't really fit much together. I mean Hermione is so smart and Ron is so...oblivious, ridiculous, insensitive...the list goes on.
Neville: He easily became my favorite character in book five when he finally started to get some nerve. I think he is amazing. I'm glad they show him fighting until the very end, and I'm happy to see he received the sword of Gryffindor.
Luna: I have to wonder if everything she said was true. I mean loopy as she was, some things turned out to be real.
The Deaths: Hedwig was completely unnessary to kill off. Then there Remus and Tonks, that was so wrong after the had the baby. I think at least one of them should have survived. Fred? Understandable, one of the Weasleys had to die. Fred and Geroge were the most likable, and George had already lost an ear. So regardless that we would all have preferred Percy to die, Fred makes sense. Imagine how George must feel.
Snape: Poor Snape. Full of unrequited love. He was still an awful person, he would have stayed with Voldemort if Lily Potter had never been brought up. But you can't help but feel sorry for him.
The Epilogue: Crap!!!! She should of just left that out of the book.
After my re-read I feel the overall series is decent. Book five has some serious flaws but is still pretty good, while book six was just full of crap. But I think the finally book brought it all back together, and it turned out nicely. I will no longer consider myself anti-Harry Potter.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
What's in a Name?
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Sleeping And A Very Guilty Apology
First off, I want to say I am very humbly and most deeply sorry towards a specific person who may or may not read this blog. I was a total insensitive jerk and I want to, again repeat, say that I am most humbly and most deeply sorry. Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry and sorry.... Sorry... One more time: Sorry. =( .... Last time seriously this time: Sorry.
I always fall asleep in class. It's mostly because I'm overburdened with homework or I'm at a snail-paced work speed. I just can't help it. My body functions to catch up on the hours of sleep I lost and there's nothing I can do to keep awake. I hate coffee, Coke is inappropriate for mornings and I don't feel like wasting a $1.50 every single time I come to school, I don't fully wake up when people try to wake me up, Rock Stars and Red Bulls will make me crash into a coma, and caffeine pills are for drug addicts. I'd rather go to sleep than overdose on drinks that mindless corporate businessmen consume in order to damage our economy. And then they try to repay all that money they spent on coffee by passing a bill.... Where am I going with this? Your and my thoughts exactly =O.
The art of sleeping is not difficult to master. People always tell me how I sleep so much and act like they've never fell asleep in class before. Well it is very simple: Close your eyes, your mind, and your awareness and voila! You're asleep. This is especially handy in school prep rallies.
If this doesn't work, then here is my visualization before I fall to sleep. Once you close your eyes, imagine a conversation with someone or imagine a band that is playing your favorite song. As you are drifting, the talking and the music should be more distinct almost to the point where you feel like they are talking/playing next to you. Listen to the "sounds" for a while and you should be on your way to Graceland (Elvis reference. I'm so retro).
One last thing I want to mention is that I don't TRY to sleep. It's that I've slept so much that it has become very natural for me. For example, I nearly fell asleep STANDING UP (I caught myself before I fell). Do you think I want to inflict injury on myself by trying to fall asleep standing up? NO! I'm personally not proud of my ability to sleep and this is something I'm trying to fix. My body clock is currently set to sleep at 3 am and wake up at 7:30 am. I'm trying to "rewind" my body clock so hopefully I can be awake and actually have a personality other than being a seemingly apathetic, monotone Korean kid.
Well that's all I have to tell you non-sleepy people. Join us tomorrow for another non-platitudinous post from Lunette ^_^
Random Question: If you have one eye, are you winking or blinking with that one eye?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Twenty X!
I have to say...
I am a fan of my fellow Power Bloggers.
So, Wednesday was kind of awful, particularly thanks to my least favorite class, but then in seventh period, the gold power blogger walked into the classroom, came near my desk, said "Happy Birthday," handed me two boxes with a card on top, and left abruptly. Later, I realized that one of the boxes was 60,000 baby names book.
I don't think anything like this will ever happen again in my lifetime, unless Brianna realizes that I lost the first one.
But now that I think about it, this is actually the second baby name book I have ever owned. The first one was much smaller, and intended for my mother before I entered second grade.
This one is... large. So large, that at first, I thought it might be a Bible or The Book of Mormon (I don't know how long that is though), but then I didn't think that really connected with the card, and I do love cards, since she mentioned something about a "due date."
So, even though I won't really need this book for another ten or fifteen years for myself, if any of you pro-life girls or very confused guys get pregnant, feel free to er, borrow it some time for ideas...
I'm really excited about tomorrow. I'm not going to the dance this year, but I think we've still got it good.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Napoleon Bonaparte: Conqueror, Leader, And Small Mexican Girl
For those of you lame enough not to go to Pack Attack (which is like nearly all of my co-writers, you roguish fiends!), you missed out on some serious awesomeness.
Let me elaborate.
Pack Attack, as you may not know, is the assembly of major clubs and a few sports in a series of self written skits that are generally homecoming themed. The prize for best skit is $50 to club to do whatever with, which is a pretty awesome prize! Anyway, SNHF (Société Nationale Honoraire Française) came up with a more original skit than most. Rather than go with the theme of T-Wolves versus Devils, we decided to play off the homecoming theme this year: the jungle. However, being the creative children we are, we related it to Paris by calling it an urban jungle. Smart, right? We thought so! Continuing, we decided that it would be most humerus if we did a spoof of Dora the Explorer. However, the trick was, Napoleon Bonaparte would be our Dora. The real fun is that I got stuck with being Napoleon.
Let me explain why this is not a physical possibility. I'm 6'2". Napoleon was like.. 3' or something. Regardless, I played the stoic yet flamboyant bubbly personality that would led the SNHF kids past three obstacles to their ultimate destination at the Eiffel Tower. The first obstacle was a gangster (urban jungle!) to whom we had to say "please" in french, si'l vous plait. Our second obstacle was hailing a disgruntled NYC style taxi to drive us down to the Eiffel Tower. Upon reaching the Tower, we encountered our last obstacle: obtaining a camera from a french speaking woman who spoke no words of english. You can see how this could pose a problem. However, with Napoleon Bonaparte at your side, you can do anything! So we wrestle the camera from her, she snaps the shot after asking us to yell "Fromage!". Brilliance.
We also danced to three of Dora's famous melodies, including the vibrant Backpack Backpack!
and the exuberant We Did It!.
I must admit, for something so school spirit oriented, I immensely enjoyed myself. Who would have thought that I had school spirit?
- Jonathan
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Hell Hath No Fury Like A Printer Scorned
Okay guys, I have a completely valid excuse today. My APUSH assignment (create a newspaper set during the Revolutionary War, Mrs. Thomas claims it’s the funnest project we’ll have all year) is killing me.
It wouldn’t be so bad if I was at my house where my printer was functioning and in the event that it wasn’t I could go to some kind soul’s house and use theirs. But I am not. I’m in a hotel sitting exactly in the same spot where I learned earlier today that the printer set up in the hotel room is NOT properly set up, however misleading that blinking green light on the side of it may be.
So I am panicking. Panicking because I realize that even after crossing the hurdles of writing those articles which took me a ridiculous amount of time to complete, I still have to rush over to the library/ Kinko’s tomorrow and somehow get my meticulously aged and extremely wrinkled paper to print off of their computers after formatting everything and typing up a bibliography, and because of my complete disregard for grammar in this post. And then I have to analyze a syndicated columnist for Lang.
I swore to myself I wouldn’t have of these nights this year. But less than seven weeks in and I’ve already broken it. Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
Found at skreemr.com
If you are feeling like you need to say something to me about not posting yesterday, I am sooooooo sorry. I didn't even remember it was Tuesday yesterday until three minutes ago so here I am. i could not feel worse, so don't try.
It seems like this year is going by really quickly. Maybe it's cause theres so many things coming up at the end of the year, like SATs and AP exams. So. . . fun stuff.
On Sunday I did the Breast Cancer Awareness walk, except I ran it with Ross. It was three miles by the way. And it was hot outside. I also biked fourteen miles with Erica on Saturday. So yeah. We're pretty much amazing.
I cried for like. . . the third time in school on Monday. When I say the third time I mean the third time it's EVER happened. Ever. I hate it.
I've decided on a new way to study more efficiently and I ACTUALLY did part of my plan yesterday. Yay for me for following through.
I'm drinking a chocolate shake and it is delicious.
I've only been awake for about ten minutes. Yes, it explains a lot.
Homecoming is coming up this week. I am so excited. It was pretty much awesome last year.
I'm sorry again. It won't happen again.